Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I spy.

I spied this location a few weeks back. It's one of those places that you know is there but in order to actually see it you need to park your car and wander around a bit. I usually try to be pretty prompt with getting pics out, but I've been sitting on these for some time now. I guess there are a couple of reasons for this. The first being that I just haven't had the time to pay them any attention. The other driving factor is that I'm not all that impressed with them.

I actually visited this spot twice. The first time I wasn't prepared to shoot a tripod, no filters and I didn't have my rubber boots for wading in the water. The funny thing is that all but three of these were from my first visit. On my second visit the water had risen at least two feet and some large trees had floated into the scene. This left me with no room to troll the sides on all the rocks to get into desired positions. I only had one vantage point which was just too close to the falls. The mist in the air was playing havoc with my lenses. This meant that I ditched the tripod and filters. The rubber boots didn't help much either since the water was just too deep to wade through.

The end result is that these are all hand held between 1/3 sec to 1/10 sec so they're lacking in the sharpness department.

Some randomness from tonight. I was hoping for a great sunset, but once the sun was gone all of the clouds had cleared!

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